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What Does That Word Even Mean?

Emancipation is the process of giving people social or political freedom and rights. Freeing from restraint, control, or the power of another.

Emancipation Day

This historic day paved the way to freeing over 800,000 enslaved Africans and their descendants in Canada, parts of the Caribbean, Africa, and South America. However, this only applied to children under the age of 6. Others still had to continue serving their former owners unpaid, for 40 hours a week. It not until July 31, 1838 that all enslaved people across the British Empire finally gained their freedom at midnight on that day. Since then, August 01 has been commemorated in many parts of the world, including through celebrations of freedom across Canada. In Canada, Emancipation Day did not get such status until March 24, 2021 when the Member of parliament in the House of Commons voted unanimously to designate August 01 as Emancipation Day across Canada. Trinidad And Tobago was the first country to commemorate Emancipation Day as a national holiday since 1985. 

Emancipation Day Versus Juneteenth

Juneteenth, short for June Nineteenth, is a holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the United States, observed annually on June 19. Similarly to Canada, it did not receive official, national status until 2021. On June 17, 2021, President Biden signed the bill into law, making Juneteenth the 11th holiday recognized by the federal government. In 1863, during the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which announced more than 3,000,000 slaves living in the Confederate states to be free. Despite this, it took 2 years for the news to reach Black Americans living in Texas. The news was brought to them through Union soldiers when they arrived in Galveston, Texas, on June 19, 1865. Upon learning of their freedom, the former slaves celebrated with prayers, feasts, songs, and dances.

Black Slavery In Canada

The buying, selling, and enslavement of Black people in Canada was practiced by European traders, and colonists in New France in the early 1600s. It lasted until it was abolished throughout British North America in 1834. During that 200-year period, settlers in what would eventually become Canada were involved in the Transatlantic Slave Trade. 12 to 20 million Africans were enslaved in the western hemisphere after an Atlantic voyage of 6 to 10 weeks. During that voyage now known as the Middle Passage, approximately 2,000,000 Africans died from disease, malnourishment, mistreatment, and fights. Upon arrival in North America, enslaved Africans and their descendants were forced to work in fields, perform manual labour, and domestic work in homes. They were forced to change their names, abandon their faiths, reject their cultures, and stop speaking their native tongues. 

Slave owning was not only limited to the elite and politicians. Ownership was widespread in colonial Canada, from government, military officials, merchants, fur traders, hotel keepers, millers, tradesmen, bishops, priests, and others. It cruelly filled the need for cheap labour, and was also considered part of an individual’s wealth. The law enforced and maintained enslavement through legal contracts that detailed transactions of the buying, selling or hiring out of enslaved persons, as well as the terms of wills in which enslaved people were passed on to others. Slaves were not treated any better in Canada than they were in the Caribbean or the United States. They were viewed as property tools, with treatment varying considerably from owner to owner. Some owners would have allowed them to read and write, free them after the owner dies, or reward them land, and property. However, the mere fact that they were held as property sums up the overall treatment: inhumane. Most were tortured, jailed, or even sexually abused.

Indigenous Peoples Slavery In Canada

Long before Black slaves made up the majority of enslaved peoples, Indigenous peoples of the Americas were the main slaves. European explorers in the 1400s and 1500s were infamous for kidnapping Indigenous peoples and taking them back to Europe to be enslaved or exhibited. Indigenous peoples were not granted basic human rights, and were treated as property tools. They were bought and sold for the main purpose of manual and domestic labour. Most of those enslaved were young women, with the average age being 14 years old. Indigenous slavery in Canada did not end until slavery was abolished in Canada. 

Caribbean Slavery

Between 1662 and 1807 Britain shipped 3.1 million Africans across the Atlantic Ocean in the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Africans were forcibly brought to British owned colonies in the Caribbean and sold as slaves to work on plantations. Those involved in the trade were driven by the large financial gain to be made, both in the Caribbean and at home in Britain. However, it was not only Britain involved in the Slave Trade. The sugar plantations of the region were also owned and operated by French, Dutch, Spanish, and Danish colonists. The death rate on the plantations was high, as a result of overwork, poor nutrition, work conditions, brutality, and disease. The work in the fields was gruelling, with long hours spent in the hot sun, supervised by overseers who were quick to whip them. Tasks ranged from clearing land, planting cane, harvesting cane, to manuring, and weeding.

Slavery was not without a fight, however. There were rebellions against slavery right up until emancipation in 1834. Most notably were the slave revolts during 1700s and 1800s including: Tacky’s rebellion in 1760s Jamaica, the Haitian Revolution in 1789, Fedon’s 1790s revolution in Grenada, the 1816 Barbados slave revolt led by Bussa, and the major 1831 slave revolt in Jamaica led by Sam Sharpe. That people that ran away from slavery who would form communities became known as the Maroons.

Indentured Labour

The abolition of slavery in 1834 led to Britain creating yet another means of exploited work: Indentured Labour. After the abolition of slavery, newly freed men and women rejected to work for the low wages offered on the sugar farms in British colonies in the Caribbean. Indentured labour was a system of bonded labour that was instituted following the abolition of slavery. Indentured labourers were recruited to work on sugar, cotton and tea plantations, and rail construction projects in British colonies in the Caribbean, Africa, and South East Asia. From 1834 to the end of World War 1, Britain had transported approximately 2 million Indian indentured workers to 19 colonies including Fiji, Mauritius, Ceylon, Trinidad, Guyana, Malaysia, Uganda, Kenya, and South Africa.

The indentured workers were recruited from India, China, and the Pacific. Workers signed a contract in their own countries to work abroad for a period of 5 years or more. They were meant to receive wages, a small amount of land and in some cases, promise of a return passage once their contract was over. In reality, this rarely happened. The conditions were harsh and their wages mercilessly low. The system of indentured labour was officially abolished by the British government in 1917. Over the following century, the descendants of those who remained became significant parts of the population in a number of countries such as Guyana, Surinam, Trinidad, Jamaica, Malaysia and South Africa, and, to a lesser extent, in the East African countries of Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania. A lot of East and South Asian people also migrated to the United Kingdom in the 1950s and thereafter.


Though countries such as Canada, United States, Britain, Spain, Holland, and France, have long abolished enslavement systems, freedom was not truly granted upon abolishment of such systems. Formerly enslaved peoples continued to face challenges of discrimination in housing, employment, education, health, transportation, and several other areas. Even though a lot has improved between then and now, the effects from hundreds of years of colonialism still effects these society in a number of ways, mainly through superiority complex. There is still work to be done.


River Talk 3: Elizabeth The Long Reigning Queen

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What Should I Say About The Queen?

Before starting River Talk #3, I was not even sure if I were seriously going to choose Queen Elizabeth II as the main topic for this River Talk. I did. Now I have to think about what I should say about the Queen. Should I praise the Queen? Should I talk smack about the Queen? None of the above? A blend of both? Should be interesting to see where the course of the River will flow for Talk #3. So why the Queen again? I had a list of other topics in mind, but a week ago I had a discussion with relatives about what other ideas I could toss into the mix. Queen Elizabeth II and Platinum Jubilee were suggested to me. I dismissed it at first because I personally do not find the Queen to be that interesting of a topic. First smack point right there. Days later, I thought some more about it. I grew increasingly curious about what exactly Platinum Jubilee is. Is it a medal? A party? A song written specifically for the Queen? Not only did I become curious, I happen to already have a United Kingdom category in my River, since I have written topics pertained to them. There are only 2 write-ups in that category, so this is a good opportunity to throw a 3rd one into it.

What Is Platinum Jubilee?

Till this moment, I never knew what the word “Jubilee” meant. Upon reading the dictionary definition for it I have learned that a jubilee is the celebration of any of certain anniversaries, such as the twenty-fifth (silver jubilee ), fiftieth (golden jubilee ), or sixtieth or seventy-fifth (diamond jubilee ). I was not too off about it being a party and medal then. I do not know if they gave her a literal platinum medal during the celebration or not. However,  Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medals are a thing. The Province Of Alberta is awarding these medals to 7,000 Albertans throughout 2022 in recognition of significant contributions to the province. Alberta further mentions that it is a one-time program that will conclude on February 05, 2023, at the end of the Platinum Jubilee year. It seems that this has to do with Sunday, given that 2022 Jubilee was on the 6th of February.

Now Alberta made me curious about other provinces: are they doing this too? Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia have announced plans for Platinum Jubilee medals. New Brunswick and Manitoba are considering it, while Ontario, British Columbia and Québec have opted out. Québec opting out does not surprise me, but Ontario and British Columbia seems odd. Ontario is Canada’s most populous province by far, and is home to the nation’s capital. British Columbia’s name is clearly inspired from the United Kingdom’s alternate name Britain. Perhaps it is not in their interest because platinum medals of the Queen are uninteresting to these peoples. Who knows for sure.

Those feeling left out can treat themselves to a 2022 Silver Year Of The Tiger or Gold Maple Leaf Coin. What I would like to talk about next is her 70-year reign.

70 Years

70 years. Wow! 70 years of commitment to service is an extremely long time to commit something. I have always wondered why, though? Why would someone want to commit the rest of their life to such a huge role? I have tried searching “Why Is The Queen So Committed?” but have yielded a variety of media posts. I did find one thing though: Her Twitter. Yes, the Queen Tweets. Seeing as though this is 2022, it is both comical and amusing how everyone and everything has social media. Even animals have social media accounts. Can you imagine if ancient Kings and Queens had Twitter? Queen Hatshepsut? King Solomon? Julius Caesar? That could be a topic entirely on its own. What did I find on the Royal Family’s Twitter? “I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service” But why? From The Royal United Kingdom website it says that the Queen sees public and voluntary service as one of the most important elements of her work. She has links – as Royal Patron or President – with over 600 charities, military associations, professional bodies and public service organisations. These vary from well-established international charities to smaller bodies working in a specialist area or on a local basis only.

We can safely assume that she loves to serve and has a life-and-soul dedication to being involved in the community. It also helps having longevity in your genes and having access to the best care possible. Elizabeth II has been on the throne since February 06, 1952, making her the second longest monarch in the world. Who still has her beat? French King Louis XIV. He served as monarch for more than 72 years after taking the throne at age four and dying in 1715. I had to double-check the 4-year-old part. I know ancient Judah had Kings that reigned from the tender age of 7, but 4? Certainly would not happen in modern times. With Elizabeth II being 96 years old, there is a chance that she could beat him, and become not just the longest reigning monarch in Britain, but the longest reigning monarch ever! For some reason, I have a strong, unknown feeling that history will not see such a long-reigning monarch again. So this naturally leads to the next point: The future of the Monarch.

The Future Of The Monarch

Queen Elizabeth’s appearances throughout many places in the United Kingdom and the world over her lifetime has brought much admiration to her. However, her days are numbered. In 2022, she could not even attend certain events due to health issues that flared up. One that has been revealed was episodic mobility issues. Not surprising given how old her skeleton is. Who will take her place next? Prince Charles? Prince William? Some people — or should I correctly say, a lot of people think the monarchy should be abolished altogether. If you ask me, I am indifferent to whether they want to abolish it or not. If they do decide to keep it going, which they almost certainly will, I believe that Prince Charles should pass the torch to Prince William. Charles is 73. William is 39-turning-40 real soon at the time of this writing. With William being far younger, he can reign for far longer continuously, while modernising the monarchy.

The Royals have been buffeted by allegations of racism and bullying, a sex scandal involving Prince Andrew, demands that they apologize for Britain’s historic role in the enslavement of millions of Africans, the departure of the Sussexes, and bribery involving a charity with Prince Charles and how a Saudi demanded British citizenship if the Saudi gave him much money. The Royals are aware that they have a lot of work to do. Both Charles and William have already been taking on a lot of changes, and plan to make some changes for the better. How good they will perform has yet to be seen. I do hope that whoever is in charge will make the changes that need to be made.

Remove The Queen From Us

At this time, there are now 6 Caribbean countries that intend to remove the Monarch as their sovereign. If this sounds familiar, it is because Barbados has removed the Queen as its head of state to become the Caribbean’s newest republic back in November 2021. Why? Why is there such a strong urge to pluck the Queen out of the Caribbean? These countries want the ability to elect their own head of state, independent of an external body, to oversee domestic and foreign affairs. They want to formally and symbolically unlink themselves from the former empire that enslaved, brutalized, and profited off their ancestors. The massive protests that took place in the United States over Anti-Black racism back in 2020 have further fueled the desire to do so. Some have called this the “The Awakening Of Black Consciousness”.

What do I think of this? While I personally have no hard feelings towards the Queen, I can totally understand why countries whose populations are predominantly Black, Indigenous or South Asian would want to rid themselves of an institution who they feel is not benefitting them. So what about Canada? Should Canada abolish the Monarchy? A survey from Angus Reid Institute says that most Canadians have a positive view of Queen Elizabeth II, but believe that we should separate after she dies. Those that believe in the Monarchy strongly believe it has allowed Canada to be the stable, functional country it is, and that removing it will be a lengthy, complicated process. Lengthy and complicated? True. I personally do not think it will be as complicated as some people make it look, but it will absolutely be no 1-year-job-and-done sort of thing.

Final Words

We can agree that the Monarchy is not perfect. The United Kingdom undeniably has a long record of atrocities. At the same time, the royal family existing now is aware of this and has worked hard on a variety of issues. Whether or not Canada decides to get rid of the Monarchy, I am fine with either move. I would prefer for Canada to focus on inflation and stagnancy at this time. As for the Monarchy’s existence in Britain, if Britain insists on keeping it, keep it. As long as they continue to improve and work towards fixing social issues, and maintaining a good relationship with people, the institution will last as long as it can.

January 2020 In Review

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Why January 2020?

January 1st, 2020, marked the start of a brand new decade. This year also happens to be a Leap Year, giving it a length of 366 days as opposed to 365. As with other New Year’s Days, the day was celebrated through fireworks, parties, gatherings, or other special events. Before the 2020s decade began, many people took the time to reflect the changes , challenges, and opportunities they have been through during the 2010s. Likewise, people also expressed the excitement and things that wait in store for their lives going forward. One’s personal experience with how January 2020 went for them will vary significantly from person to person. Many may report feelings of mediocrity, excitement, sorrow, anger, or fear for a variety of reasons. Outside of people’s personal responses, January 2020 unfortunately made a lot of headlines that have either been shocking or both shocking and sad.

Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752

On January 08, 2020, a plane crashed between the Iranian cities of Parand and Shahriar. 82 Iranians, 63 Canadians, 11 Ukrainians, 10 Swedes, 4 Afghans, 3 Germans, and 3 Brits, bringing the total to 176 casualties. Investigators were scrambling that Wednesday to determine the cause of the crash. Iranian state media blamed it on technical issues, while Ukraine said it was a rocket attack. It has since been definitely proven to be an attack, with Iran even admitting that it fired 2 ballistic missiles at the plane. Volodymyr Zelenskiy, President of Ukraine, says leaked audio proves Iran knew what happened to flight 752 before they even shot it down.


Why did this happen in the first place? Tension. Hostilities between Tehran and Washington District of Columbia were soaring. Iran fired rockets at the Iraqi bases in retaliation for an American drone strike that killed Iran’s top commander, Qasem Soleimani, in Iraq on January 03, 2020. As a result, this put Iran into a very defensive mode, thus leading them to firing missiles at a plane, only to come out with the truth after being widely condemned for their action.

“If there were no tensions, if there was no escalation recently in the region, those Canadians would be right now home with their families. This is something that happens when you have conflict and war. Innocents bear the brunt of it and it is a reminder why all of us need to work so hard on de-escalation, moving forward to reduce tensions and find a pathway that doesn’t involve further conflict and killing”  — Justin Trudeau

Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more critical diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). The current ongoing novel coronavirus is a strain that has not been previously identified in humans. The virus was first reported from Wuhan, China on December 31, 2019. Since then, it has been wreaking havoc on China. Due to travelling or even proximity in the case of countries such as Japan and Korea, there have been a number or coronavirus cases outside of Asia as well. Despite the official report date of December 31, 2019, individuals have been reporting unusual respiratory problems since early December 2019.


Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath, and breathing difficulties. In more serious cases, the infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, or kidney failure, ultimately leading to death. Standard recommendations to prevent infection spread include regular hand washing with soap, covering mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, and thoroughly cooking meat and eggs. Close contact with anyone showing symptoms should be avoided.


The source? It is still not absolutely certain. Officials have been trying to identify whether it were bats, snakes, civets, or seafood, but there is still not a definite agreement. The Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market has been widely considered as the main source of the outbreak of a novel coronavirus. Again, not everyone agrees, with some parties saying that it was caused from bats — a species not offered at the Huanan Market. Xinhua has confirmed that some samples from the Huanan Market were found to have the virus. This also proves that the virus is highly relevant to the trading of the wild animals.


The vaccine for 2019-nCoV is under development at this time. Medical supplies, masks, gloves, and hazmat suits have been surging in demand ever since the outbreak started making headlines. For now, proper sanitation, handling, cooking and storing of foods, as well as healthy dieting is the key to preventing and fighting the disease.

Cancellations And Deaths

The outbreak of the novel coronavirus has caused many events within China to be cancelled, as well as travel to be either restricted or temporarily forbidden in the case of some countries such as the United States. At the time of this writing, the death toll stands at 492 and counting. Racist abuse towards Asians has also been on the rise, creating more problems alongside an already critical problem.

Departure Of The Sussexes

The departure of the Sussexes is not a tragic event by any means.It is, however, one that made notable headlines across the world in January. The biggest shock was to the Royal family. Despite Harry mentioning that it was something he thought about for a long time, it still brought much shock the Queen and other Royal members.


Privacy and safety. Harry openly mentioned that the death of his mother Princess Diana is a wound that still hurts. She died during an accident while desperately trying to get away from paparazzi in Paris. After watching the media harm both Meghan and himself for years, they decided to move away from the Royal life in 2020. The Queen confirmed this with a statement released on January 13, 2020.

What This Says About The Monarchy

The Sussexes have admitted trying to keep a tough face about their struggles. Meghan in an interview last year said that nobody ever asked if she was ok. This brings up numerous questions:

  1. If the Royal family members wanted them to stay, why did they do so little, if anything to look after their mental health?
  2. Why did the Sussexes feel afraid to tell at least one person in the family that they were struggling and could do for some support?
  3. Was the Royal family oblivious to the malicious media about the Sussexes? Did they not notice that all the harmful press towards the Sussexes was weighing on them?

Ultimately, the departure of the Sussexes proves that the Monarchy has much improvement to do in regards to offering better personal support for their members. Additionally, it needs to do a better job at offering more privacy, curbing racism, sexism, and other toxic attitudes. All of which are issues that have been brought up through statements in the past.


The word “Brexit” is portmanteau of the words “British” and “Exit” referring to the departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union. A referendum (also called public vote) was held back in June 2016, where 17.4 million people opted for Brexit. This resulted in 52% for Leave, 48% for remain.

European Union

The European Union (EU) is an economic and political union involving 28 European countries. The Union allows free trade, meaning goods can move between EU countries without and checks or extra charges. The Union also allows free movement for people to live and work in the countries they choose. The United Kingdom joined back in January 01, 1973.


There are many reasons behind the reason for the United Kingdom wanting to leave. Ultimately, these are the three major reasons: Immigration, economy, and sovereignty.


The European Union allows anybody within the Union to move and work freely between EU nations. Some Leave voters cited frustration with the lack of control they have over their borders. Others expressed disdain over immigrants taking jobs and not adapting British culture. Another thing voters hated was the right of migrants to claim welfare benefits in the United Kingdom, which Brits believed was putting a strain on the National Health Services.


The United Kingdom prefers being in control of its economy. The fact that the country uses the British Pound Sterling as its currency as opposed to the Euro, is an example of this. Some people have expressed frustration and competition over jobs caused from the free movement policy of the European Union. Criticism of the Union irresponsibly spending money has also been brought up.


The United Kingdom prides itself on being a nation with a long, rich history, and having immense international influence. Over time, a number of British people began feeling disconnected with the European Union, and frustrated with its policies. By leaving the Union, they believe that Britain will have far greater independence and a better sense of British nationality.

Concerns Over Brexit

The United Kingdom has been in the European Union for 47 years. Naturally, this created shock and disappointment from other European Union countries when their Leaders heard the news. Many Remain voters are greatly concerned about the future economy of Britain, as well as ease of movement. Though Britain left the Union, there is still a lot of matters that must be dealt with during its transition period:

  • Law enforcement
  • Data sharing and security
  • Aviation standards and safety
  • Access to fishing waters
  • Supplies of electricity and gas
  • Licensing and regulation of medicines

Until December 31, 2020, the United Kingdom must abide by European Union rules.

Calabasas Helicopter Crash

On January 26, 2020, the following people died in a helicopter crash:

  • Ara Zobayan, 50
  • Kobe Bryant, 41
  • Gianna Bryant, 13
  • Sarah Chester, 45
  • Payton Chester, 13
  • John Altobelli, 56
  • Keri Altobelli, 46
  • Alyssa Altobelli, 14
  • Christina Mauser, 38


Kobe was supposed to coach a youth basketball team, the Lady Mambas, for 12:00 PM in Thousand Oaks, California. Gianna, Alyssa, and Payton were involved with the game. A Sikorsky S-76B helicopter took off from John Wayne Airport en route to Camarillo Airport. Weather conditions were not good that day, leading the pilot to seek special permission to fly through fog. The helicopter took off at 9:06 AM, only to end up striking a hill 40 minutes later, killing all 9 occupants from blunt trauma.

International Reaction

Kobe Bryant was recognized as an international basketball icon that many fans admired. As such, the annunciation of his death had millions in shock. Numerous celebrities, officials, and regular people paid various tributes to his death. Ceremonies were held for the families that lost their love ones in the crash.

Newfoundland Snow Storm 2020

Newfoundland is a province in Canada that normally snow a lot. Unfortunately, this year brought a record-breaking amount of snow. Enough snow that caused the province to declare a state of emergency for 8 days, last month. The last time the province declared a state of emergency was 35 years ago.


Before the snow storm took place, Newfoundland had already been getting a lot of snow. When the storm did arrive, it only further exacerbated the situation. During the rage of the storm on January 16, 2020, winds topped speeds of up to 130 km/h on some parts of the province’s coast. The storm was large enough for it to be seen outer space. Thousands of homes and businesses lost power. On the evening of January 18, 2020, the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) commenced planning and began activating forces to support the province of Newfoundland and Labrador following the unprecedented winter storm. The mission was wrapped up on the 28th of January. Snowfall totals from a Tweet shared the heights for some municipalities:

  • 93 cm (Mt. Pearl)
  • 91 cm (Paradise)
  • 82 cm (St. John’s East)
  • 77 cm (St. John’s YYT)
  • 48 cm Lethbridge
  • 35 cm (Gander West)
  • 34 cm (Gander YQX)

The Rest Of 2020?

Despite the deaths caused from fallen aircraft or disease, and the political moves that happened in the United Kingdom, a nation who many other countries trade with extensively, there is still much to be seen for the duration of 2020. The situation with the novel coronavirus serves as a reminder for the science industry to be prepared for unexpected outbreaks. Most importantly, taking early warnings more seriously, and preventing potential outbreaks by engaging in more sanitary practices across all industries — be it hospitality, culinary, health, or engineering.

Harry And Meghan’s Royal Departure: Racism, Stress, And Lack Of Privacy

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It Was Already Tough

Being a British Royal is not easy. There are many rules and duties a Royal must keep to maintain the role. Then there is the media doing what it typically does best: capture media. Similarly to a celebrity, the media loves filming, photographing, or writing about the life of a Royal, and then posting it all over various social media platforms. As one could imagine, this can not only be tiring, but also highly invasive and unnecessarily harsh. When the commentary, posts, or videos frequently degrade someone for being a woman, mother, multiracial, not Royal enough, marrying an outsider, gaffing at personal tragedies, and a plethora of other unnecessary topics, this is bound to take a toll on one’s health. Anyone who already knows, or has researched Meghan and Harry, will know that they both had a past of hardships. The media made their lives tough to the point that it ultimately turned them away from the Royal spotlight.

Quick Background Stories

Prince Harry was born in London, England, United Kingdom, September 15, 1984. He is the second son of Charles, Prince of Wales, and Princess Diana. He has been schooled through Wetherby School, Ludgrove School, and Eton College. Prince Harry is most famous for his decade long role in the military from 2005 – 2015, and charitable work.

Meghan Markle was born in Los Angeles, California, United States, on August 04, 1981. She is the only child of Thomas Markle, a former cinematographer, and Doria Ragland, a former social worker and yoga instructor. She has been schooled through Hollywood Little Red Schoolhouse, Immaculate Heart High School, and Northwestern University. Meghan is most famous for her previous role as an actress, particularly the Television series Suits. She also used to have a lifestyle website named The Tig.

January 2020 Statements

This month there have been three statements posted: the first on the 8th, and the second and third on the 18th regarding the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

January 8th Via Instagram

“After many months of reflection and internal discussions, we have chosen to make a transition this year in starting to carve out a progressive new role within this institution. We intend to step back as ‘senior’ members of the Royal Family and work to become financially independent, while continuing to fully support Her Majesty The Queen. It is with your encouragement, particularly over the last few years, that we feel prepared to make this adjustment. We now plan to balance our time between the United Kingdom and North America, continuing to honour our duty to The Queen, the Commonwealth, and our patronages. This geographic balance will enable us to raise our son with an appreciation for the royal tradition into which he was born, while also providing our family with the space to focus on the next chapter, including the launch of our new charitable entity. We look forward to sharing the full details of this exciting next step in due course, as we continue to collaborate with Her Majesty The Queen, The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Cambridge and all relevant parties. Until then, please accept our deepest thanks for your continued support.” – The Duke and Duchess of Sussex

This statement was a sign of their intentions to officially step back, before the world received an official statement. An official statement arrived 10 days after this.

January 18th Via Royal UK

Following many months of conversations and more recent discussions, I am pleased that together we have found a constructive and supportive way forward for my grandson and his family.

Harry, Meghan and Archie will always be much loved members of my family.

I recognise the challenges they have experienced as a result of intense scrutiny over the last two years and support their wish for a more independent life.

I want to thank them for all their dedicated work across this country, the Commonwealth and beyond, and am particularly proud of how Meghan has so quickly become one of the family.

It is my whole family’s hope that today’s agreement allows them to start building a happy and peaceful new life. – Her Majesty The Queen

Statement from Buckingham Palace

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are grateful to Her Majesty and the Royal Family for their ongoing support as they embark on the next chapter of their lives.

As agreed in this new arrangement, they understand that they are required to step back from Royal duties, including official military appointments. They will no longer receive public funds for Royal duties.

With The Queen’s blessing, the Sussexes will continue to maintain their private patronages and associations. While they can no longer formally represent The Queen, the Sussexes have made clear that everything they do will continue to uphold the values of Her Majesty.

The Sussexes will not use their HRH titles as they are no longer working members of the Royal Family.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have shared their wish to repay Sovereign Grant expenditure for the refurbishment of Frogmore Cottage, which will remain their UK family home.

Buckingham Palace does not comment on the details of security arrangements. There are well established independent processes to determine the need for publicly-funded security.

This new model will take effect in the Spring of 2020.

The Meaning

Harry and Meghan are stepping down entirely from Royalty in pursuit of a quieter, more peaceful, less intrusive life. Her Majesty clearly acknowledged that intrusive media was the driving force behind the couple’s resignation. Even with the resignation, both thanked each other for what they experienced during their time with the Royal family. However, it is not all positive despite what these statements may suggest. Many, including current Royals, and others outside of the Royals, also said they were disappointed with the move.

Why Harry Left

Harry’s life has been in the media since he was a child. His birth, His first day of school, parent’s divorce, grief of his mother’s death, teenage parties, drug usage, inappropriate costumes, sports events, military years, the Las Vegas scandal, romance with Meghan, and a plethora of other events. Harry has spoken out about the death of his mother still being a wound that festers. He has also mentioned that the way the media is treating Meghan is alarming with the following quote:

“I’ve seen what happens when someone I love is commoditized to the point that they are no longer treated or seen as a real person. I lost my mother and now I watch my wife falling victim to the same powerful forces,”

The decision was not something he took lightly. He spoke about it during a speech at a private dinner in London for his charity Sentebale. Harry is deeply concerned about the safety of his family and their independence. He knew backing away from Royalty would cause much discussion — positive and negative, but took the leap of faith in pursuit for a tamer life.

“I watched as you welcomed Meghan with open arms, as you saw me find the love and happiness that I hoped for all my life” – Prince Harry

Why Meghan Left

Since the times Prince Harry had been dating Meghan, she had been subject to intense online harassment. These attacks have been double standards, racist, sexist, and uncalled for. It had been so bad that the Kensington Palace released a statement on behalf of the Prince, November 08, 2016, about his deep concerns for his partner. He wanted those involved with the press to stop and think about their actions and words. On October 01, 2019, Prince Harry himself released a statement. This statement was about taking legal action over a British tabloid press that had been spreading ruthless, malicious information over the past year of his wife’s pregnancy.

In 2018, Meghan Markle became a member of the royal family. Since then, she has been repeatedly compared to Kate Middleton, and criticized for doing the same things Kate is praised for. Wearing wedges, cradling her baby bump, refusing pictures at Wimbledon, and other trivial things that should not even make news to begin with.

Meghan is biracial, being Black American on her mother’s side, and White American on her fathers. As such, she has received numerous mockery about her Black ancestry from various mediums. From articles and comments saying she is almost out of Compton, her rich and exotic DNA, her mother being a dreadlocked African-American lady from the wrong side of the tracks, jungle fever, biracial commoner, and thousands, perhaps millions more.

Back in October 2019 on ITV News, Meghan spoke out about her struggles being a Royal and a mother. She expressed feeling really vulnerable while she was pregnant, as well as the hardships of Royalty.

How The World Has Reacted

Upon the reveal of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex departing from Royalty, it has brought a tremendous reaction across the world. For North America, it has been mostly positive, though some people thought they were being weak and cheap.

Royal Reaction

For the Royal family themselves, it unsurprisingly brought great shock. The Queen is saddened that she will not get to see Archie as often. Despite her warm wishes from the statement, a Royal commentator pointed out that the Queen truthfully feels disappointed by the move. This is evidenced by the fact that she not only stripped Harry of his military title, but also that they cannot even represent her anymore. When Prince Philip was brought the news he bluntly said, “What the hell are they playing at?” He felt they have disrespected the Queen. The fact the Sussexes did not spend time with the family last Christmas did not help either. Catherine and William, were also reported to feel not only disappointed, but concerned about the future of the Royal family after the departure of the Sussexes.

Thomas Markle

Meghan’s father openly said in a video that he was disappointed. He even went as far to say that they were cheapening the Royals, and turning them into a Walmart with a crown on it.


Most of Canada feels delighted that the Sussexes have their eyes on Canada. Canadians reported that it made them feel that their is country safe, welcoming, and could give the nation more attention. However, others are also concerned about how their presence here could effect their money. In other words, taxpayers do not want to pay for their bills. Prime Minister Trudeau said the following last week:

“I think most Canadians are very supportive of having royals be here, but how that looks and what kind of costs are involved, there are still lots of discussions to have.”


Unlike the United Kingdom and United States, Canada is not known for having a major paparazzi or tabloid culture. However, commentators and legal experts have also pointed out that stepping outside of Britain’s boundaries means that the Sussexes will no longer have the same protection they did in Britain as Royals. While Canada does have similar privacy protection rules in place, they are regulated on a Provincial level. Photographers generally do not need the permission of people to photograph them, as long as they are not in a situation where privacy is expected.


A) A photographer openly takes a photograph of people from a distance. The people were in a public park flying kites. No violation here. Anyone could easily see him, they were not doing anything private, nor did anyone feel invaded.

B) A photographer takes a photograph of people at a park, but there also happened to be a woman breastfeeding. This would be a violation of privacy because the woman was doing a sensitive act, and he did not inform her that he was about to shoot a photograph.

C) A photographer takes a photograph of people playing soccer from behind some blackberry bushes. This an area of uncertainty. The soccer game was public, nor were there major expectations of privacy, but the way he took the photograph was dishonest. If people were to find out how took it, he would have been criticized as being creepy. Some, depending on the circumstances, would have even brought it further to court.

What The Experts Say

Vancouver media lawyer Dan Burnett said the Sussexe’s expectation of privacy in Canada would depend on the individual situation if they decided to take a problem to court. Ingrid Seward, a royal biographer and editor of Majesty Magazine, said that she was surprised the couple were not expecting the paparazzi to follow them to Canada. Paparazzi have already taken photographs of the couple without their consent from day one, leading to them issuing legal warnings not to do this. To make matters creepier, the Sussexe’s reported that the paparazzi were hiding in bushes, with some even camped outside their homes with long lenses.

The Future

The move from the Sussexe’s will certainly have an impact on the Monarchy. The exact extent is currently unknown. It has certainly brought shock and upset to the Royal family. The United Kingdom, which is already going through uncertainty and challenges with Brexit, was naturally taken by surprise as well. There were many British that also supported the decision, however.