Millennium Creek Turns 5

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5 Years

Like fish swimming swiftly the creek, birds flying rapidly across the sky, squirrels jumping from branch to branch, it feels the same way to the describe the time pass for Millennium Creek. Wow! Time has certainly gone by. Anyone who has read the history for Millennium Creek, will know that it was essentially “Millennium Zero” during its beginning years. There was no content in it during those days. Fast forward to now, and there is 72 published writings at the time of this writing. Not bad for a one-man website that only publishes high quality write-ups, be it short-form, long-form, a blog or an article. Professionalism and passion are remain as the core attributes of Millennium Creek.

Timeline Of The Years?

Last year on April 22, 2020, I uploaded a post called My Story 2020. There, I went over the entire history of Millennium Creek in detail from its very beginning on February 01, 2016, up to the point that write-up was uploaded. Seeing as though it is only 2021, it makes no sense to reiterate the entire history again, only to include 2021. Perhaps once it gets to 2030, it would be justifiable to go over the history of 10-year-old Millennium Creek. Wait, will it even be Millennium Creek then? Will it grow into something entirely different? Just the thoughts of such scenarios alone makes it so mysterious of what will become of Millennium Creek by then. Not to mention the nature of the Internet in general. A lot can change in a decade. In fact, just looking at the start of 2020 to 2021 alone, I can already predict that the 2020s are going to make the 2010s feel antiquated. Such a topic would be a write-up on its own.

Now And Forward

For Millennium Creek Turns 5, I will be focusing on what I plan to do with the creek now and going forward.

The Name

One of the things I planned to do for the 5th year of Millennium Creek was to rebrand it to Millennium *Not Telling You Yet*. If you read the history, this should not come off as too surprising. Do I hate the name? No. Definitely not the Millennium part of it. But for the Creek part of it, I would be lying to say that I did not think about changing it many times. At this point, it does sound like I hate it, right? No. Then if not, why is this not the first, second, or even third time that we are bringing up this subject? Because I want to do it, but have not due to timing and inconvencies it may cause. 

Let us start with timing. For much of January 2021, I was busy doing many other things not pertained to Millennium Creek. In order to properly and smoothly change part of the brand name, I would need to set aside a good chunk of time in advance. This is not only to update links that would not automatically redirect, but change other things such as logos, avatars, watermarks, and more. These are certainly not things you can do smoothly in a very short time frame. This naturally leads to the next point: inconvenience.

Particularly when it comes onto electronic messaging and the links that do not automatically redirect to the new brand. Without going on further, you get the idea, and perhaps have even been in similar dilemma? 


If you ask any content creator what they plan to do for 2021, you may get the typical cliché responses such as “Make more content”, “Engage with my audience more”, “Try to build a bigger audience”, “Try new things” and similar. Is Millennium Creek the same? In many ways, yes. When I look back at my 2020 record, for most months I only uploaded 1 write-up. April 2020 was a notable exception where I uploaded 3 posts. As you will know from my About page, pumping out content like crazy was never my thing, and will certainly not become my thing for 2021 or the future. That said, I would like to try and get no less than 2 posts per month for the 2021 year. Perhaps even 3 posts. Well, we will have to excuse January 2021 for reasons mentioned earlier, which resulted in that month only getting 1 upload. The outlook for February 2021 is looking possible for 2-3 posts

What Kind Of Topics?

Will I introduce new topics for the 2021 year? Depends on what you mean by “topics”. If you mean completely new and vastly different subjects such as “Doing Your Own Make-up Like A Professional” or “How To Get Into Basketball”  you will be up for disappointment. If you were hoping to see things like more different electric cars mentioned, a revival of animal posts, commentary posts, then you will be immensely excited for what will float up in Millennium Creek for 2021!

2022 And Beyond

Depending on what is being predicted, predicting the future can either be easy, difficult, impossible, or grey. It can even be scary, exciting, fun or something you would rather not do. Toss a coin and it will be heads or tails. Drop your phone on the concrete without protection and it will be scratched or even shatter. If you were to write a letter, roll it up, put it into a bottle, and let it drift into the Atlantic Ocean, it would be extremely difficult to accurately predict where it might end up. Will it be destroyed in an hour? Will it somehow make its way back to shore? Will a boater fatefully notice it and pick it up? Will the environmental officers fine you for littering? When there are many scenarios, accurate predictions become many times more difficult.

For 2022 and beyond, I expect that Millennium Creek will continue flow along with the same general character and content themes. Aspects of it could naturally change, but till then, I do not see a worrisome or drastically future for the creek.

Make The Next 5 Years Magnificent

Reader, have you enjoyed Millennium Creek over the last 5 years? You have been dearly silent about how you feel about it.  For now, the next 5 years, and the future, I want you to make the next 5 years at Millennium Creek magnificent! Read, comment, like, share and enjoy the sights and sounds of Millennium Creek