Service Pages Removed

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The Mysterious Tweet

“It has been a year… they have now been removed…” In a highly unusual move, those were my words last night on Twitter. In another highly unusual move, I am making this post today to inform viewers what exactly was removed: my service pages.

Nothing Surprising

According to the statistics, nobody has read My Story 2020 at the time of this post. Similarly, nobody has read the post from last year that also touched on this. I strongly encourage readers to read My Story 2020. This will not only let you know why this was done, but also give you a detailed history of Millennium Creek.

Time To Move On

The service pages were launched May 30, 2019. As such, I decided to finally remove them exactly one year later: May 30, 2020. Exactly one year from this day, was the day I officially made the announcements that they were up and live. Conversely, today is the day that I am announcing their official removal. Do not let “Time To Move On” or even this post itself, give you the impression that I am quitting Millennium Creek. I am not. If anything, I have been monitoring the creek and decided that the stagnant areas of it had to go. In the case of those service pages, they have truthfully been officially stagnant since I made that September 3rd Update back in 2019.

What Will Happen Next?

It has been very quiet here for over a month now. I have some writing topics on mind, but I do not know when I will post them. Almost certainly at some point in June. I also hope to get at least two or more writings done for that month. In the meantime, you can read other interesting posts such as COVID-19: A Wake Up Call For ChangeEarth Day 2020Tesla Cybertruck, or others that better suit your interests.