Inspiration Behind These Posts: January 2022 – December 2022

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2022’s Reflections

This compilation covers all the write-ups that were uploaded between January 2022 to December 2022. A total of 18 write-ups have been done in 2022, 14 in 2021, 17 in 2020, 23 in 2019, 30 in 2018. This would be the first time I have gone back to gather the post count over the years. I must admit that it is not good to see that I have been on the decline for the most part, with 2022 marking the first uptick in 3 years. For the 2023 year, I want to aim for no less than 24 posts for the year, the equivalence of at least 2 write-ups per month. If I am serious about getting more natural views to the website, there needs to be a bit more fresh content for viewers to enjoy. 1 post per month is sure to keep both real people and algorithms uninterested. 

2022’s Inspirations

Time to dive into the inspirations behind the posts of 2022!

Inspiration Behind These Posts: January 2021 – December 2021

Though this was a post that dealt with the topics of 2021, it is was nevertheless, typed and uploaded in 2022. Fortunately, you will not be seeing a “Inspiration Behind These Posts: January 2022 – December 2022” by the time December 2023 comes. Why? Because this time I made sure I would complete the “Inspirations Behind These Posts” in the same year as the posts themselves were.  A success for no more oddity and confusion!

Canadian Start-up Tells Justin Trudeau The Truth About Canada’s Automotive Industry

I had actually intended to get this post done the same month I completed Battery Electric Vehicles Canada 2021, which would be December 2021. Upon discovering how powerful Kaminski’s message to Trudeau was, I decided that it truly needed a full-blown write-up on the subject matter. And yes, while we are it, Canada really does need to step it up and support its home-grown start-ups to get their cars to mass production. AK Motors, and Project Arrow are 2 that come to mind. 

They Are Coming Back Better

This was a quick teaser to indicate the my services were coming back real soon. Unfortunately, they have been pulled back at this time. Further explanations below.

The Services Have Returned For 2022

The post was an announcement that my services have finally returned after an absence of 16 months. They resumed April 01, 2022. Why? As mentioned on the post itself, I thought long and hard about it, did research, cleaned up and updated texts and document, and went ahead. Unfortunately, by October 27, 2022, I have reverted the pages back to drafts, making them invisible to the public. This means that I have not full-blown deleted the pages like how I did back in 2020, but simply made them unviewable to viewers. Truth be told, Millennium River’s traffic is far too low and inconsistent to be noticeable to clients. Even with the best intentions during social media advertisements or proposals, interest was non-existent. Therefore, until this website gains a steady, reliable, engaging audience, the service pages cannot back, lest they be guaranteed to fail over and over again. 

Natural Flavours Need To Be Listed Entirely

Ever read something and wondered what on Earth a company could be hiding behind those so-called natural flavours? I certainly have. Maybe you are the type that does not care, or perhaps does not even read ingredients at all! I care a lot, and wanted to highlight this problem. I created a post that details why companies should not do it, and that they have absolutely no actual valid reason to hide something as serious as food. 

River Talk 1: Russian-Ukrainian War

On Millennium River, there are several types of write-ups: articles, blog posts, poems, argumentative essays, a speech, product descriptions, and so forth. This subject marked the creation of a new format: River Talks. Still a Millennium River-style blog post, but with more personal opinion and tidbits involved. In the case of the Russian-Ukrainian War, I wanted to talk about this, but was not sure when. I eventually got around to it, and did a solid write-up on it. Unfortunately at the time of this writing, December 29, 2022, the war is on-going. Russia refuses to exit Ukraine; full-blown sovereign country that is legally and internationally recognized as such. I hope that within 2023, Russia will be entirely expelled from all of Ukraine’s territories, and yes, that certainly includes Crimea. Слава Україні!

River Talk 2: Elon Musk

Mister Musk is someone I had been wanting to do an entire write-up on for a long time. Problem is that because there is so much I could say about him, I had a hard time figuring out where to start, and what I should say about him. I brainstormed some topics, put them together, and got the post done. Dear oh dear! If I had done this River Talk on him now, after reading all the notoriety he has done with Twitter and elsewhere, that River Talk would be a lot more critical than what it is now. You are a brutal one, Mister Musk.

River Talk 3: Elizabeth The Long Reigning Queen

The true inspiration behind this post was a suggestion from my father. Yes, not even the post itself mentions that, so if you are the type of viewer that actually reads the “Inspiration Behind These Posts Of XXXX Year” then you now know extra tidbits that other viewers do not. I did not any plans to do a write-up on Queen Elizabeth. I thought about it, completed it, shared it to social media, and it garnered more views than expected. Made me glad that I went with it. British topics are not foreign to Millennium River, so it made sense anyway.

If Countries Were Flavours, What Would They Taste Like?

If you were to taste countries raw, most would just taste like dirt and bush, or would be just plain sandy and salty in some cases. Others would taste very rocky. That was initially going to be the idea of this bizarre write-up: the literal taste of countries. I realized that would be far too bizarre, so I went with what food the country mainly makes, or is significant, to determine how each country on that list would taste.


Society topics are fairly prevalent on Millennium River. Though, Emancipation did not exactly come to my mind at the time, my father suggested it. I then took the idea and turned it into a complete article of my own.

Universal Basic Income

As a content creator, I am utmost supportive towards a Universal Basic Income. I had so much things I wanted to discuss about UBI, that it took a full 5 days to complete this. Yes, that is a testament to how passionate I am towards the idea of Universal Basic Income becoming a reality. If you do not know what it is, or how it could possibly even become a reality, I strongly encourage you to read the article entirely. Hint: it does not require printing new billions like a mad man, nor raising taxes to the height of Mount Logan.

Animals Wearing Clothes

I remember telling myself from last year that for a nature-named website like this, how I ought to try and get more nature-themed topics into my River for 2022. This article is one them. The remembrance of those words, as well as how amusing animals in clothes are, are sources of inspiration for this article.

Dodge Charger Daytona SRT Banshee

It is all-electric, looks super cool, and sounds interesting. I need not say more. If this is your first time hearing about this concept car, you will need to see and hear it for yourself. Even utility vehicle lovers such as myself cannot deny how cool this machine looks.

Graveyards And Orange Shirts

It was National Day For Truth And Reconciliation, and I was feeling inspired this year to write a theme on it.

W’r’t ‘n ‘nt’r’ ‘rt’cl’ W’th N’ V’wls Ch’ll’ng’

The true inspiration behind this post was Ancient Egypt. They did not write down any vowels during the times hieroglyphics were in use. Therefore, I wanted simulate what it would be like to write something noteworthy without any vowels. The answer: grueling and miserable! Then again, this is largely due to the fact that I grew up writing a language with the vowels in place 100% of the time, as does 99% of the population. R”d’ng s’nt’nc’s w’th”t v’w’ls ‘s s’mpl’ t” h’rd!

2022 Battery Electric Vehicles Canada

Started back in 2018, so 2022 is the continuation of my tradition to discuss the year’s noteworthy events pertained to battery electric vehicles in Canada.

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