Inspiration Behind These Posts: January 2020 – December 2020

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2020’s Inspirations

The previous compilation covered the write-ups that were uploaded between July 2019 – December 2019. As the title of this one reveals, the posts between January 2020 to December 2020 will be covered. And while I am it, I should say Happy 2021 New Year! Sounds a little strange to say at this point in the month, January 31st. However, because this is my very first post of the 2021 Year, and it is still January, I believe it is fitting. To say that the 2020 was eventful would be an understatement. The events, both good and bad, were plentiful. Reading through the inspiration behind my 2020 posts should be interesting for this reason.

Inspiration Behind This Article: Harry And Meghan’s Royal Departure: Racism, Stress, And Lack Of Privacy

The word of the Sussex’s departing was big news abroad. It is no surprise why it would be so newsworthy, especially for countries that have ties to the United Kingdom. The real question is why did this interest me personally. After all, I usually do not bother covering celebrities because they generally do not interest me. Not to mention that many of them are already over-covered, especially the ones based in California.

Perhaps the title of the article made it obvious enough: the racism, stress, and lack of privacy behind it. Harry-Meghan even made it clear as Royals how they often had to keep a tough face about things, and keep going on. However, it got to the point that they realized that fame and Royal titles were not worth their personal well-being, so they decided to step out of it. When I looked into all the releases, videos, and media behind their reasonings and struggles, I found it really interesting. So interesting that I decided that I would definitely write my own article on this.

Inspiration Behind This Article: January 2020 In Review

January 2020 was a dark month. Death, disaster, and surprise would accurately sum it up. For this reason many people, be it high profile commentators or casual social media users, predicted that 2020 was going to be a rocky year. They were right. Wild fires, Brexit talks, Royal Departures, aircraft crashes, storms, and the 2019 Coronavirus are all things that happened in just one month. Just one. Unfortunate as they are, I felt that it was important to take a review of the first month for the first year of the 2020s decade. I personally hoped that the first month of this new era would have been more positive than this.

Inspiration Behind This Blog Post: 10 Cars That Should Become All-electric Utility Vehicles

Some companies are happily embracing all-electric cars. Others, not so much. They would rather cling to unpractical, low-riding, gas guzzling, air-choking sports car. Looking at you, Ferrari, McLaren, Koenigsegg, and Lamborghini. For this reason, I thought I would do a wild blog post on some of the vehicles that would be most unlikely to not just turn into a utility vehicle, but an all-electric one, too. Some candidates were more likely to happen. Others, like the companies I already mentioned, are not. And that is what makes creating a fantasy blog post like this all the more interesting, even hilarious. 

Inspiration Behind This Blog Article: Toilet Paper

I remember someone saying that they did not ever think that they would write about toilet paper. No, not at any point or time in their career. I am in the same position. I did not ever think I would write about it either. However, after both seeing the madness online and in-person, I had to. Special times result in special articles. Even ones that you previously thought you would never write about. Researching the origins on toilet paper, and what people used before, were both interesting and bizarre.

Inspiration Behind This Article: COVID-19: A Wake Up Call For Change

This is one of those write-ups that I was really hoping people would read and take seriously. Unfortunately, at the time of this writing, my statistics show that it has virtually no views. Not even 3. I wrote this article out of the urge for much needed change in this world. Things that should have changed from longtime, but the world did not care enough. That is until a world-wide pandemic has highlighted a number of these issues under a magnified lens. Will the world smarten up? Slacken up as soon as COVID-19 phases out? I would hope that the issues highlighted within that article will be taken utmost seriously. Not just for the COVID-19 timespan, but for the good of our future.

Inspiration Behind This Blog Post: Inspiration Behind These Posts: July 2019 – December 2019

Feels weird to see “Inspiration Behind” twice in one title, does it not? Well, it was a 2020 post after all, so it still makes sense to include it here. The inspiration behind that post, was to compile my sources of inspiration for the posts uploaded between July 2019 – December 2019.

Inspiration Behind This Article: Earth Day 2020

As Millennium Creek is an Earth-inspired name itself, it was only a matter of time before I did my personal research on Earth Day. I learned quite a bit, found it interesting, and decided to do my own write-up on it. Did you know that Earth Day is the biggest, global event celebrated across the world? I did not either, until I researched it. I would have assumed that it would have been Christmas. Then again, the article did say “non-religious”, which would explain why Christmas was omitted. While many people do celebrate Christmas without the religious aspect of it, the day itself still has a religious connection to it. Christmas remains significant to Christians, despite it not actually being Christ’ birthday.

Inspiration Behind This Blog Post: My Story 2020

For a long time, I did not feel compelled to tell you my story. I wanted the website to remain “anonymous”, yet still get lots of traffic, views, and comments. The write-up will tell you that Earth Day inspired me to get it done. What really pushed that further was a webinar I watched at some point in early 2020. One critical thing I remembered from that lengthy webinar was the importance to cut out obscurity. I decided to take Dmitry’s words, and tell you my story. No, it may not be a personal life story, but I strongly believe that you find it very interesting. Even inspiring and motivating. It was one of those posts that felt awkward oftentimes, but that is also what made it very real.

Inspiration Behind This Blog Post: Service Pages Removed

I will not sugar coat it; this post is one of those dark, depressing chapters of Millennium Creek. But at the same time, I realized it was time to move on, and that there was no use in keeping those pages up. Any viewer that read My Story 2020, would get the intricate details on how it came down this. The motivation to do this? The pages have been up for a good while, and for viewers to see them gone, they would need to know why the pages were axed.

Inspiration Behind This Article: Double Trouble: Racism And COVID-19

If you noticed the date of the article’s posting, the inspiration to create this article should be clear: people have created a pandemic within a pandemic, and it needs to stop. Racism needs to stop. It is not good. Never has been good. Never will be good, and has no place in this world. That period of 2020 saw a lot of racialized murders, which drove to protests, thus driving me to do a write-up on the situation. 

Inspiration Behind This Shopping Post: Amazon Best Sellers In Women’s Clothing June 2020

People have been doing lots of online shopping in 2020. There are numerous sales posts all over the Internet that tell people which products to buy. For my online shopping post, I took the time to look over some products, and then write about products you would likely enjoy. 

Inspiration Behind This Shopping Post: Amazon Best Sellers In Men’s Clothing July 2020

Summer 2020 was very hot with online shopping, making this post a good timing to take a look at some of the bestselling clothes for Men on Amazon Canada.

Inspiration Behind This Poem: Great Summer River (Haiku)

The period between August 2020 – November 2020 marked a period of great inactivity on Millennium Creek, hence the reason why single, short poems were the only things uploaded. November 30, 2020, marked the end of that when a much longer write-up was written. For Summer River, the inspiration came from the fact that it was summer, and that I had visited a lot of waterbodies during the season.

Inspiration Behind This Poem: Rain (Poem)

As noted in the Instagram post, I wrote this because it really did rain on the day I wrote this poem.

Inspiration Behind This Poem: Good Pumpkin (Haiku)

It was pumpkin season, and I wanted to write a poem. Perfect timing.

Inspiration Behind This Poem: He Flapped His Wings

Do you remember those long poems back in December 2018? Wait, you have not read them this whole time over the last 2-going-on-3 years? Not good. Between then and now, there was not single one of those long poems to be seen. 2020 changed that. Now mind you, He Flapped His Wings was originally going to be one of those super short and quick poems. Then I told myself “enough with these thin, short, infrequent posts, and upload some meat and potatoes”. I did. This mysterious post spans over 1000 words. Why did I create it? Even to this day, I cannot give you a definite answer. I am torn between it being either: 

A) The subject was randomly brainstormed and I went with it

B) It might have been inspired from timid male birds, who have not been trained, or completely wild.

Cryptic? I do not blame you.

Inspiration Behind This Article: 2020 Battery Electric Vehicles Canada

I wanted to highlight what the battery electric world of vehicles is doing for Canada in 2020. News, cars, technologies, and more. I have done articles like this in 2018 and 2019, so it made sense to continue the practice.

Feeling Inspired?

From reading all of this, you can see a clear theme: COVID-19 or related, racism, electric cars, Millennium Creek History, online shopping,  and poems. That is 2020 for you. What will 2021 bring? What will inspire me to write the future posts of 2021? You? A wondering cat? Intriguing news such as Canada making a working prototype of their first all-electric car? The potentials are endless. If you enjoyed these writings, be sure to comment on which was your favorite, and support them. Thank you.