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What Does That Word Even Mean?

Emancipation is the process of giving people social or political freedom and rights. Freeing from restraint, control, or the power of another.

Emancipation Day

This historic day paved the way to freeing over 800,000 enslaved Africans and their descendants in Canada, parts of the Caribbean, Africa, and South America. However, this only applied to children under the age of 6. Others still had to continue serving their former owners unpaid, for 40 hours a week. It not until July 31, 1838 that all enslaved people across the British Empire finally gained their freedom at midnight on that day. Since then, August 01 has been commemorated in many parts of the world, including through celebrations of freedom across Canada. In Canada, Emancipation Day did not get such status until March 24, 2021 when the Member of parliament in the House of Commons voted unanimously to designate August 01 as Emancipation Day across Canada. Trinidad And Tobago was the first country to commemorate Emancipation Day as a national holiday since 1985. 

Emancipation Day Versus Juneteenth

Juneteenth, short for June Nineteenth, is a holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the United States, observed annually on June 19. Similarly to Canada, it did not receive official, national status until 2021. On June 17, 2021, President Biden signed the bill into law, making Juneteenth the 11th holiday recognized by the federal government. In 1863, during the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which announced more than 3,000,000 slaves living in the Confederate states to be free. Despite this, it took 2 years for the news to reach Black Americans living in Texas. The news was brought to them through Union soldiers when they arrived in Galveston, Texas, on June 19, 1865. Upon learning of their freedom, the former slaves celebrated with prayers, feasts, songs, and dances.

Black Slavery In Canada

The buying, selling, and enslavement of Black people in Canada was practiced by European traders, and colonists in New France in the early 1600s. It lasted until it was abolished throughout British North America in 1834. During that 200-year period, settlers in what would eventually become Canada were involved in the Transatlantic Slave Trade. 12 to 20 million Africans were enslaved in the western hemisphere after an Atlantic voyage of 6 to 10 weeks. During that voyage now known as the Middle Passage, approximately 2,000,000 Africans died from disease, malnourishment, mistreatment, and fights. Upon arrival in North America, enslaved Africans and their descendants were forced to work in fields, perform manual labour, and domestic work in homes. They were forced to change their names, abandon their faiths, reject their cultures, and stop speaking their native tongues. 

Slave owning was not only limited to the elite and politicians. Ownership was widespread in colonial Canada, from government, military officials, merchants, fur traders, hotel keepers, millers, tradesmen, bishops, priests, and others. It cruelly filled the need for cheap labour, and was also considered part of an individual’s wealth. The law enforced and maintained enslavement through legal contracts that detailed transactions of the buying, selling or hiring out of enslaved persons, as well as the terms of wills in which enslaved people were passed on to others. Slaves were not treated any better in Canada than they were in the Caribbean or the United States. They were viewed as property tools, with treatment varying considerably from owner to owner. Some owners would have allowed them to read and write, free them after the owner dies, or reward them land, and property. However, the mere fact that they were held as property sums up the overall treatment: inhumane. Most were tortured, jailed, or even sexually abused.

Indigenous Peoples Slavery In Canada

Long before Black slaves made up the majority of enslaved peoples, Indigenous peoples of the Americas were the main slaves. European explorers in the 1400s and 1500s were infamous for kidnapping Indigenous peoples and taking them back to Europe to be enslaved or exhibited. Indigenous peoples were not granted basic human rights, and were treated as property tools. They were bought and sold for the main purpose of manual and domestic labour. Most of those enslaved were young women, with the average age being 14 years old. Indigenous slavery in Canada did not end until slavery was abolished in Canada. 

Caribbean Slavery

Between 1662 and 1807 Britain shipped 3.1 million Africans across the Atlantic Ocean in the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Africans were forcibly brought to British owned colonies in the Caribbean and sold as slaves to work on plantations. Those involved in the trade were driven by the large financial gain to be made, both in the Caribbean and at home in Britain. However, it was not only Britain involved in the Slave Trade. The sugar plantations of the region were also owned and operated by French, Dutch, Spanish, and Danish colonists. The death rate on the plantations was high, as a result of overwork, poor nutrition, work conditions, brutality, and disease. The work in the fields was gruelling, with long hours spent in the hot sun, supervised by overseers who were quick to whip them. Tasks ranged from clearing land, planting cane, harvesting cane, to manuring, and weeding.

Slavery was not without a fight, however. There were rebellions against slavery right up until emancipation in 1834. Most notably were the slave revolts during 1700s and 1800s including: Tacky’s rebellion in 1760s Jamaica, the Haitian Revolution in 1789, Fedon’s 1790s revolution in Grenada, the 1816 Barbados slave revolt led by Bussa, and the major 1831 slave revolt in Jamaica led by Sam Sharpe. That people that ran away from slavery who would form communities became known as the Maroons.

Indentured Labour

The abolition of slavery in 1834 led to Britain creating yet another means of exploited work: Indentured Labour. After the abolition of slavery, newly freed men and women rejected to work for the low wages offered on the sugar farms in British colonies in the Caribbean. Indentured labour was a system of bonded labour that was instituted following the abolition of slavery. Indentured labourers were recruited to work on sugar, cotton and tea plantations, and rail construction projects in British colonies in the Caribbean, Africa, and South East Asia. From 1834 to the end of World War 1, Britain had transported approximately 2 million Indian indentured workers to 19 colonies including Fiji, Mauritius, Ceylon, Trinidad, Guyana, Malaysia, Uganda, Kenya, and South Africa.

The indentured workers were recruited from India, China, and the Pacific. Workers signed a contract in their own countries to work abroad for a period of 5 years or more. They were meant to receive wages, a small amount of land and in some cases, promise of a return passage once their contract was over. In reality, this rarely happened. The conditions were harsh and their wages mercilessly low. The system of indentured labour was officially abolished by the British government in 1917. Over the following century, the descendants of those who remained became significant parts of the population in a number of countries such as Guyana, Surinam, Trinidad, Jamaica, Malaysia and South Africa, and, to a lesser extent, in the East African countries of Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania. A lot of East and South Asian people also migrated to the United Kingdom in the 1950s and thereafter.


Though countries such as Canada, United States, Britain, Spain, Holland, and France, have long abolished enslavement systems, freedom was not truly granted upon abolishment of such systems. Formerly enslaved peoples continued to face challenges of discrimination in housing, employment, education, health, transportation, and several other areas. Even though a lot has improved between then and now, the effects from hundreds of years of colonialism still effects these society in a number of ways, mainly through superiority complex. There is still work to be done.


Inspiration Behind These Posts: January 2020 – December 2020

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2020’s Inspirations

The previous compilation covered the write-ups that were uploaded between July 2019 – December 2019. As the title of this one reveals, the posts between January 2020 to December 2020 will be covered. And while I am it, I should say Happy 2021 New Year! Sounds a little strange to say at this point in the month, January 31st. However, because this is my very first post of the 2021 Year, and it is still January, I believe it is fitting. To say that the 2020 was eventful would be an understatement. The events, both good and bad, were plentiful. Reading through the inspiration behind my 2020 posts should be interesting for this reason.

Inspiration Behind This Article: Harry And Meghan’s Royal Departure: Racism, Stress, And Lack Of Privacy

The word of the Sussex’s departing was big news abroad. It is no surprise why it would be so newsworthy, especially for countries that have ties to the United Kingdom. The real question is why did this interest me personally. After all, I usually do not bother covering celebrities because they generally do not interest me. Not to mention that many of them are already over-covered, especially the ones based in California.

Perhaps the title of the article made it obvious enough: the racism, stress, and lack of privacy behind it. Harry-Meghan even made it clear as Royals how they often had to keep a tough face about things, and keep going on. However, it got to the point that they realized that fame and Royal titles were not worth their personal well-being, so they decided to step out of it. When I looked into all the releases, videos, and media behind their reasonings and struggles, I found it really interesting. So interesting that I decided that I would definitely write my own article on this.

Inspiration Behind This Article: January 2020 In Review

January 2020 was a dark month. Death, disaster, and surprise would accurately sum it up. For this reason many people, be it high profile commentators or casual social media users, predicted that 2020 was going to be a rocky year. They were right. Wild fires, Brexit talks, Royal Departures, aircraft crashes, storms, and the 2019 Coronavirus are all things that happened in just one month. Just one. Unfortunate as they are, I felt that it was important to take a review of the first month for the first year of the 2020s decade. I personally hoped that the first month of this new era would have been more positive than this.

Inspiration Behind This Blog Post: 10 Cars That Should Become All-electric Utility Vehicles

Some companies are happily embracing all-electric cars. Others, not so much. They would rather cling to unpractical, low-riding, gas guzzling, air-choking sports car. Looking at you, Ferrari, McLaren, Koenigsegg, and Lamborghini. For this reason, I thought I would do a wild blog post on some of the vehicles that would be most unlikely to not just turn into a utility vehicle, but an all-electric one, too. Some candidates were more likely to happen. Others, like the companies I already mentioned, are not. And that is what makes creating a fantasy blog post like this all the more interesting, even hilarious. 

Inspiration Behind This Blog Article: Toilet Paper

I remember someone saying that they did not ever think that they would write about toilet paper. No, not at any point or time in their career. I am in the same position. I did not ever think I would write about it either. However, after both seeing the madness online and in-person, I had to. Special times result in special articles. Even ones that you previously thought you would never write about. Researching the origins on toilet paper, and what people used before, were both interesting and bizarre.

Inspiration Behind This Article: COVID-19: A Wake Up Call For Change

This is one of those write-ups that I was really hoping people would read and take seriously. Unfortunately, at the time of this writing, my statistics show that it has virtually no views. Not even 3. I wrote this article out of the urge for much needed change in this world. Things that should have changed from longtime, but the world did not care enough. That is until a world-wide pandemic has highlighted a number of these issues under a magnified lens. Will the world smarten up? Slacken up as soon as COVID-19 phases out? I would hope that the issues highlighted within that article will be taken utmost seriously. Not just for the COVID-19 timespan, but for the good of our future.

Inspiration Behind This Blog Post: Inspiration Behind These Posts: July 2019 – December 2019

Feels weird to see “Inspiration Behind” twice in one title, does it not? Well, it was a 2020 post after all, so it still makes sense to include it here. The inspiration behind that post, was to compile my sources of inspiration for the posts uploaded between July 2019 – December 2019.

Inspiration Behind This Article: Earth Day 2020

As Millennium Creek is an Earth-inspired name itself, it was only a matter of time before I did my personal research on Earth Day. I learned quite a bit, found it interesting, and decided to do my own write-up on it. Did you know that Earth Day is the biggest, global event celebrated across the world? I did not either, until I researched it. I would have assumed that it would have been Christmas. Then again, the article did say “non-religious”, which would explain why Christmas was omitted. While many people do celebrate Christmas without the religious aspect of it, the day itself still has a religious connection to it. Christmas remains significant to Christians, despite it not actually being Christ’ birthday.

Inspiration Behind This Blog Post: My Story 2020

For a long time, I did not feel compelled to tell you my story. I wanted the website to remain “anonymous”, yet still get lots of traffic, views, and comments. The write-up will tell you that Earth Day inspired me to get it done. What really pushed that further was a webinar I watched at some point in early 2020. One critical thing I remembered from that lengthy webinar was the importance to cut out obscurity. I decided to take Dmitry’s words, and tell you my story. No, it may not be a personal life story, but I strongly believe that you find it very interesting. Even inspiring and motivating. It was one of those posts that felt awkward oftentimes, but that is also what made it very real.

Inspiration Behind This Blog Post: Service Pages Removed

I will not sugar coat it; this post is one of those dark, depressing chapters of Millennium Creek. But at the same time, I realized it was time to move on, and that there was no use in keeping those pages up. Any viewer that read My Story 2020, would get the intricate details on how it came down this. The motivation to do this? The pages have been up for a good while, and for viewers to see them gone, they would need to know why the pages were axed.

Inspiration Behind This Article: Double Trouble: Racism And COVID-19

If you noticed the date of the article’s posting, the inspiration to create this article should be clear: people have created a pandemic within a pandemic, and it needs to stop. Racism needs to stop. It is not good. Never has been good. Never will be good, and has no place in this world. That period of 2020 saw a lot of racialized murders, which drove to protests, thus driving me to do a write-up on the situation. 

Inspiration Behind This Shopping Post: Amazon Best Sellers In Women’s Clothing June 2020

People have been doing lots of online shopping in 2020. There are numerous sales posts all over the Internet that tell people which products to buy. For my online shopping post, I took the time to look over some products, and then write about products you would likely enjoy. 

Inspiration Behind This Shopping Post: Amazon Best Sellers In Men’s Clothing July 2020

Summer 2020 was very hot with online shopping, making this post a good timing to take a look at some of the bestselling clothes for Men on Amazon Canada.

Inspiration Behind This Poem: Great Summer River (Haiku)

The period between August 2020 – November 2020 marked a period of great inactivity on Millennium Creek, hence the reason why single, short poems were the only things uploaded. November 30, 2020, marked the end of that when a much longer write-up was written. For Summer River, the inspiration came from the fact that it was summer, and that I had visited a lot of waterbodies during the season.

Inspiration Behind This Poem: Rain (Poem)

As noted in the Instagram post, I wrote this because it really did rain on the day I wrote this poem.

Inspiration Behind This Poem: Good Pumpkin (Haiku)

It was pumpkin season, and I wanted to write a poem. Perfect timing.

Inspiration Behind This Poem: He Flapped His Wings

Do you remember those long poems back in December 2018? Wait, you have not read them this whole time over the last 2-going-on-3 years? Not good. Between then and now, there was not single one of those long poems to be seen. 2020 changed that. Now mind you, He Flapped His Wings was originally going to be one of those super short and quick poems. Then I told myself “enough with these thin, short, infrequent posts, and upload some meat and potatoes”. I did. This mysterious post spans over 1000 words. Why did I create it? Even to this day, I cannot give you a definite answer. I am torn between it being either: 

A) The subject was randomly brainstormed and I went with it

B) It might have been inspired from timid male birds, who have not been trained, or completely wild.

Cryptic? I do not blame you.

Inspiration Behind This Article: 2020 Battery Electric Vehicles Canada

I wanted to highlight what the battery electric world of vehicles is doing for Canada in 2020. News, cars, technologies, and more. I have done articles like this in 2018 and 2019, so it made sense to continue the practice.

Feeling Inspired?

From reading all of this, you can see a clear theme: COVID-19 or related, racism, electric cars, Millennium Creek History, online shopping,  and poems. That is 2020 for you. What will 2021 bring? What will inspire me to write the future posts of 2021? You? A wondering cat? Intriguing news such as Canada making a working prototype of their first all-electric car? The potentials are endless. If you enjoyed these writings, be sure to comment on which was your favorite, and support them. Thank you.

Double Trouble: Racism And COVID-19

Disclosure: Millennium River is an independent website that uses hyperlinks. Some of these links are affiliate links. When you click and purchase a product(s) through these links, I may earn a commission on qualifying sales. This is done at no extra expense to you. You may also support this website directly on its official PayPal. Unless it is clearly stated, the content is not sponsored.

Dramatic Start

Depending on where people live, the first month of the year for many may have started off with wildfires, snowstorms, or other unpleasant elements from nature. COVID-19 is an on-going problem. It may have died down significantly in some regions at this time, but is still spreading in others. Brazil (and Latin America in general), Russia, and India are notable examples of countries where cases are not dwindling yet.

Vaccine Unknown

Officials still cannot determine when there will be a proven vaccine available for it, due COVID-19’s complicated unknown nature. While experimental vaccines have opened in some health centres across the world, their long-term effect is far from proven. Vaccine development is a long, complex process, usually lasting 10-15 years. It involves a combination of public and private involvement. The mumps vaccine took four years. This is widely considered the quickest vaccine approval in the history of infectious disease. Others such as the human immunodeficiency virus are still a work in progress, despite being decades old.

COVID-19 Stressors

COVID-19 has caused many to temporarily or even permanently lose their jobs, forced isolation, sickness, death, overworked hours for some fields, panic buying, rationing, and shortage of products.

Job Losses

Far too many companies do not offer remote working, even when it was possible the whole time. As a result, millions of companies had to temporarily layoff their employees until when restrictions lifted. Unfortunately for some businesses, the profits lost during their down time were so large, that it ultimately led to them terminating the business. The governments in a number of countries such as Canada and the United States, did offer temporary supplementary income to help buffer these losses for unemployed workers.

Forced Isolation

For some people, isolation is simply too much, especially when it is prolonged. As a result of prolonged restrictions, cases of domestic abuse have been a concern.

Sickness And Death

At the very moment this sentence was typed, there has been 6,799,713 cases, and 397,388 deaths from COVID-19. Without a doubt, many people have grieved. Some still may be struggling with their losses. The rapid deaths that occurred in hotspot countries has put a strain on the cemetery systems in those places. Making matters worse, people did not have the opportunity to have a funeral or say final words for their lost ones.

Panic Buying And Rationing

During the earlier months of 2020, panic buying was an international problem. It was to the point that items such as masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer were extremely difficult — even impossible at times to find in stock. Some food products such as baking ingredients were also highly hoarded products. One of the most notably hoarded items was toilet paper. Toilet paper was so outrageously hoarded, that it and hand sanitizer may have very well been the reason why stores had to resort to rationing the supplies of high-demand products.


While some people were stressed over the loss of their jobs, others were at the opposite end of the spectrum by being overworked. This was, and still is true for essential workers including medical professionals, retail workers of food or certain department stores, construction and utility workers, warehouse workers, and others.

Not Surprising

Life during a pandemic is unsurprisingly stressful. However, for some people life has been unnecessarily more stressful due to racist treatment. Worse, racism has seen a spike across the world towards Asians, especially those that are/or resemble Chinese. Even within Asia itself, people have resorted to physical or verbal racist actions towards Chinese.

Canadian Cases

Cases have been unfortunately reported across the country, mostly in British Columbia, and Ontario. A few of these cases will be examined.

Theresa Tam

Conservative Member Of Parliament and party leadership candidate, Derek Sloan, has come under fire from his own caucus colleagues over an attack in April on Canada’s chief public health officer, Theresa Tam. His following words on Twitter:

“Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer, has failed Canadians.

Dr. Tam must go! Canada must remain sovereign over decisions. The UN, the WHO, and Chinese Communist propaganda must never again have a say over Canada’s public health!”

Tam is Asian, specifically Hong Kongese. For this reason, it is easy to see why his words were widely criticized as racist and xenophobic. Sloan did not apologize, and instead went on to explain that his concern is the validity of Tam’s advice and track record.

Elderly Asian Man Shoved

On March 13, 2020, the in-store surveillance video captured at a convenience store near Nanaimo Street and East 1st Avenue reveals a white male who appears to be shouting at a 92-year-old Asian man, who police said has dementia. In a press release, the Vancouver Police Department said the suspect in the attack was yelling racist comments about COVID-19. The suspect forced the elderly man out of the store, causing him to fall and hit his head. The video shows that the suspect appeared to help him sit up after the fall, but  left before police arrived.

Indigenous Woman Attacked For Sneezing

On May 15, 2020, an Indigenous woman was walking her dog during Friday evening. Her allergies caused her sneeze. The sneeze irritated a white man in his mid-30s causing him to hit her multiple times in the face, hard enough to make her fall down, while making racist comments about how she should go back to Asia, and blaming her of bringing COVID-19 to Canada. The women’s dog scared the man off, minimizing the damage he would have otherwise to her. This further proves that simply resembling an Asian, which is something that Indigenous naturally resemble, is enough to trigger COVID-19 racism in some people.

Atrocious And Old

Racism in a not a new thing. Certainly not a new thing in North America, despite being a “New World” continent. For centuries Blacks and Indigenous have been horrifically oppressed on the continent. Other newer groups of immigrants have also faced terrible treatment when they arrived. While progress has been made in the continent’s notably multiracial countries of Canada and the United States, many people agree there is still much work to be done. The Prime Minister of Canada himself has openly said that systemic racism is real, and wants to tackle it.

The Tipping Point

On May 25, 2020, George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, died handcuffed and restrained on a Minneapolis, Minnesota street, while white police officer Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds. Two other officers, Thomas Lane, and Alexander Keung, further restrained Floyd, who had been arrested on suspicion of using a counterfeit $20 bill. The 4th officer, Tou Thao, prevented onlookers from intervening, despite Floyd begging for his life and repeatedly said “I can’t breathe”. During the final minutes Floyd was motionless and lost pulse, but the officers ignored onlookers’ pleas that Chauvin get his knee of Floyd’s neck.  At 20:27 Chauvin removed his knee from Floyd’s neck. Immobile, Floyd was rolled on to a gurney and taken to the Hennepin County Medical Center in an ambulance. Floyd was pronounced dead about an hour later.

International Response

Shortly after the death of George Floyd, many protests took place across cities within the United States. It did not take long before several countries across the world, also started paying tributes, or protesting to highlight racism and other problems relevant to their countries.

North America

  • United States, Canada, Mexico, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago.

South America

  • Argentina and Brazil


  • Austria, Andorra, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Kosovo, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom


  • Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, and Tunisia


  • Armenia, China, Cyprus, Georgia, India, Iran, Israel, Japan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Palestine, Philippines, Thailand, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Turkey


  • Australia and New Zealand

United Effort

It is important to remember that racism does not only take on one form, nor does it always involve one race against another. It is not always overt, either. For racism to be stopped, it takes a unified, continuous, diligent effort.

COVID-19: A Wake Up Call For Change

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A new illness has rapidly made its way across the world, since its official discovery on December 31, 2019, in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. The disease was simply called “coronavirus” until it was officially given the name Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in February 2020. COVID-19 comes from a large family of coronaviruses. Some of these viruses are zoonotic, being able to spread from animals to humans. Others, are not. Human coronaviruses are common and usually associated non-severe illnesses such as the common cold. COVID-19 has a highly variable effect, ranging from mild to severe depending on a person’s health and age. COVID-19 is a new disease that has not been identified in humans until 2019. This disease is caused from SARS-CoV-2.

Before COVID-19 emerged, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in 2002-2003, and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in 2012, were the only two other cases of coronaviruses that have been documented. Canada Health Services offers complete informational pages on updates, awareness, symptoms, and many more.

A Wake Up Call For Change

COVID-19 has taken the world by shock and tragedy. Hospitals are overwhelmed, many businesses have been forced to close, supply chains are overworked, and the list goes on. There have been many outbreaks in history: SARS, MERS, Ebola, Zika virus, and H1N1 to name a few. Yet, it only seems to be now that the world is realizing that the way of doing a number of things needs to be changed. COVID-19 is a wake up call for change, but will society listen? Remote working, health, sanitation, diet, manufacturing, and governmental systems — all of these need to be looked at.

Remote Working

Working remotely is when an employee works away from a traditional environment such as an office, through the use of technology. Remote work has risen a lot in recent years as more people and employers continue to discover the tremendous benefits associated with it. The benefits?

  • No commute
  • Saves Energy
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Saves costs
  • Greater hour flexibility
  • Greater work-life balance
  • Greater employee retention
  • More productivity
  • Reduces/eliminates the spread of illnesses such as colds, COVID-19, and others

Despite all the benefits remote working does for the world, many companies still have not embraced it. As a result, millions of vehicles flock to the road contributing to air pollution, congested roads, and noise. Huge buildings take up lots of space, consume lots of energy, materials, and plenty of other resources. Employees, depending on their distance, have less time for themselves due to commuting, weather, and road conditions. As a result, they will be more likely to take sick days, or have peak performance.

With the rapid international spread of COVID-19, it is only now that some companies who have been adamant about remote working, have been forced into it. It should not take the outbreak of a contagious disease to realize that remote working exists. In the age of high-speed Internet, advanced computers, smartphones, and a plethora of applications, there should no longer be an excuse for this. For all jobs where it is possible to work remotely, it needs to become a permanent thing if companies wish to drastically reduce environmental pollution, save energy and costs, and make their employees happier. Resisting remote technology is both unintelligent and dangerous.


There has been many outbreaks in the history of time. Some restricted to specific geographical areas, while others make their way around the globe. Despite all the outbreaks of the pasts, the health infrastructure of many countries have been tragically caught be surprise in the rapid spread of COVID-19. Italy is a notable example of this. Despite being a highly developed, internationally recognized nation for its history music and food, Italy has been suffering the hardest from this. The reason? Not enough hospital beds for its predominantly old population, not enough medical equipment, nor enough doctors to deal with the influx of diseased patients.

The world’s infrastructure should have been prepared for rapid outbreaks. It has already seen them. Why did COVID-19 in particular have to remind the world that many countries should have increased the number of available beds and equipment? As a result of this tardiness, many people, particularly the elderly, have died. Worse, the loved ones in some countries were not even allowed to have ceremonies or say last words, due to strict isolation measures in place.


Soap and water is not a new invention. It has actually been around for millennia. It is not precisely known when people discovered the vital importance of washing the hands with soap and water. An Austro-Hungarian doctor, Ignaz Semmelweis, did propose the practice of washing hands with chlorinated lime solutions in 1847 while working in a Viennese hospital. Between sometime then and now, washing with soap and water has become the universal golden standard for both disease prevention and hygiene. Unfortunately, despite all the past outbreaks around the world, it seems to be only now, with COVID-19 around the globe, that proper hand washing is being internationally emphasized more than ever. Why now? Imagine all the lives that could have been saved if people across the world had consistently washed with soap and water, since the time that golden combination has been discovered. The Centres For Disease Control And Prevention and Health Canada have complete informational pages dedicated to hand hygiene.


What do mice, rats, bats, monkeys, and bushmeat animals all have in common? All have proven past records of causing horrific illnesses. Plague, HIV, and Ebola are three notable examples. While the source of COVID-19 is still not 100% certain at this time (March 2020) most authorities have traced the genetic connection to bats, pangolins, or possibly other wild mammals. It is time to permanently stop eating wild animals with consistent connections to disease. Not only is it highly unsanitary, it is also bad for the ecosystem and environment. Frequently hunted animals will go extinct from excessive hunting.

There has been efforts to educate people to refrain from bushmeat during the ebola outbreak. Still, many other countries around the world continued eating animals with a consistent history of disease. Since COVID-19 has spread, the subject of wet markets has been revisited once again. Rather than waiting for something to become an international problem, the lesson should have been learned from the past already.

Some people may be quick to point out that proper cooking can kill the viruses. Unfortunately, bushmeat handlers often practice very poor handling, cooking, storing, and disposal of the meats. Even then, there are some diseases that cannot be cooked out. Lytico-bodig disease is an example.


The world is too heavily dependent on China, as well as other countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, and the Philippines. The route reason for this is bulk, cheap labour. As a result, a number of tech companies with plants in China, faced product delays and shortages of parts when the country was forced to shut its factories down. Outside of viral infections, local manufacturing has the following benefits:

  • Easier communication. When a company produces its goods in the same country it is based, this eliminates language barriers.
  • Positive press. Manufacturing locally sets a company apart from others, and the “Made In Local Country” is a valuable marketing tool.
  • Higher labor standards. Generally speaking, manufacturers in developed countries such as the United States, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, have higher and better-enforced labor standards to protect the well-being of workers.
  • Positive perception. Because the public of developed nations tends to perceive their local-made products as being of better quality than products manufactured overseas, they are more willing to pay more for them.
  • Faster fulfillment times. By going with a domestic manufacturer, companies experience a quicker turnaround time, than they would sourcing their product overseas.
  • Reduced shipping costs. The farther a product has to be shipped, the more expensive it will be.
  • Flexible payments options. International manufacturers often accept only a few payment methods. In some cases, they require full upfront payment from foreign clients. Local manufacturing almost always offers flexible financing terms.
  • Easier Visiting Businesses who choose a local manufacturer are much better able to see firsthand how a facility operates, and see how their product is produced. This in turn allows it to be easier to catch prohibited practices.
  • Greater Intellectual Security. Connecting closely with the easier visiting point, this also allows for decreased intellectual property theft
  • Environmentally Friendlier. By making a product on the same soil as its domestic market, this reduces excessive usage of planes, trucks, and trains.

With all these benefits in place, and the consequences COVID-19 highlighted, it is time to stop taking advantage of other people for cheap, bulk labour. All existing foreign plants can remain in place, or gradually transition back to the country origin. For all newer companies and plans for newer factories, local is the way to go for a better, more secured future.

Abolish Communism

There are just 5 countries out of 195 that have a communist government system: China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, and Vietnam. Unlike democratic countries, the citizens of communist countries have far less freedoms and rights, including the press. While communism has proven to be oppressive and cruel for a long time, COVID-19 further proves that it is high time these countries, especially China, work towards abolishing it as soon as they feasibly can.

China did not ask for this disease to come upon themselves. It was not man-made, brought be spies, soldiers or any kind of superstitious nonsense. However, China can be rightfully scolded for detaining and quieting people such as Li Wenliang, who tried to warn the public about a disease spreading. As a result of China spending more effort in censoring and oppressing, it and the world has now suffered more than necessary from the communist government’s dictatorial approach to matters. It is time for communism to end. Many nations that were previously communist, have managed to transition peacefully. China can do the same.


Since the time and spread of COVID-19, there has been increased racism towards Asians. While the virus did in fact come from China, and the government can rightfully be blamed for mishandling it, viruses do not know or care about race. They are not something that exclusively affects one race or ethnicity, and avoids the rest. Reacting towards others with hate, only creates greater problems. It hinders the healing process. It makes people worried about getting treatment.


Poverty is an intensely complex subject caused from numerous factors: lack of education, inability to get education, lack of employment, mental health, physical health, gender, racism, high cost of living, and many other factors. Billions across the world do not have proper houses. They are living on the streets, in shacks, shelters, and other unstable conditions. As a result, this poses a serious risk for the community spread of COVID-19. Curbing poverty is a complex problem with no single solution. However, world leaders should not wait until an outbreak arrives to realize that they should have done more sooner.

Will The World Wake Up?

Will the world wake up? Or will leaders and citizens go back to usual as soon as things slow down? COVID-19 is certainly not the first, nor will it be the last international plague. More will follow at an unknown point in time. 

January 2020 In Review

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Why January 2020?

January 1st, 2020, marked the start of a brand new decade. This year also happens to be a Leap Year, giving it a length of 366 days as opposed to 365. As with other New Year’s Days, the day was celebrated through fireworks, parties, gatherings, or other special events. Before the 2020s decade began, many people took the time to reflect the changes , challenges, and opportunities they have been through during the 2010s. Likewise, people also expressed the excitement and things that wait in store for their lives going forward. One’s personal experience with how January 2020 went for them will vary significantly from person to person. Many may report feelings of mediocrity, excitement, sorrow, anger, or fear for a variety of reasons. Outside of people’s personal responses, January 2020 unfortunately made a lot of headlines that have either been shocking or both shocking and sad.

Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752

On January 08, 2020, a plane crashed between the Iranian cities of Parand and Shahriar. 82 Iranians, 63 Canadians, 11 Ukrainians, 10 Swedes, 4 Afghans, 3 Germans, and 3 Brits, bringing the total to 176 casualties. Investigators were scrambling that Wednesday to determine the cause of the crash. Iranian state media blamed it on technical issues, while Ukraine said it was a rocket attack. It has since been definitely proven to be an attack, with Iran even admitting that it fired 2 ballistic missiles at the plane. Volodymyr Zelenskiy, President of Ukraine, says leaked audio proves Iran knew what happened to flight 752 before they even shot it down.


Why did this happen in the first place? Tension. Hostilities between Tehran and Washington District of Columbia were soaring. Iran fired rockets at the Iraqi bases in retaliation for an American drone strike that killed Iran’s top commander, Qasem Soleimani, in Iraq on January 03, 2020. As a result, this put Iran into a very defensive mode, thus leading them to firing missiles at a plane, only to come out with the truth after being widely condemned for their action.

“If there were no tensions, if there was no escalation recently in the region, those Canadians would be right now home with their families. This is something that happens when you have conflict and war. Innocents bear the brunt of it and it is a reminder why all of us need to work so hard on de-escalation, moving forward to reduce tensions and find a pathway that doesn’t involve further conflict and killing”  — Justin Trudeau

Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more critical diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). The current ongoing novel coronavirus is a strain that has not been previously identified in humans. The virus was first reported from Wuhan, China on December 31, 2019. Since then, it has been wreaking havoc on China. Due to travelling or even proximity in the case of countries such as Japan and Korea, there have been a number or coronavirus cases outside of Asia as well. Despite the official report date of December 31, 2019, individuals have been reporting unusual respiratory problems since early December 2019.


Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath, and breathing difficulties. In more serious cases, the infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, or kidney failure, ultimately leading to death. Standard recommendations to prevent infection spread include regular hand washing with soap, covering mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, and thoroughly cooking meat and eggs. Close contact with anyone showing symptoms should be avoided.


The source? It is still not absolutely certain. Officials have been trying to identify whether it were bats, snakes, civets, or seafood, but there is still not a definite agreement. The Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market has been widely considered as the main source of the outbreak of a novel coronavirus. Again, not everyone agrees, with some parties saying that it was caused from bats — a species not offered at the Huanan Market. Xinhua has confirmed that some samples from the Huanan Market were found to have the virus. This also proves that the virus is highly relevant to the trading of the wild animals.


The vaccine for 2019-nCoV is under development at this time. Medical supplies, masks, gloves, and hazmat suits have been surging in demand ever since the outbreak started making headlines. For now, proper sanitation, handling, cooking and storing of foods, as well as healthy dieting is the key to preventing and fighting the disease.

Cancellations And Deaths

The outbreak of the novel coronavirus has caused many events within China to be cancelled, as well as travel to be either restricted or temporarily forbidden in the case of some countries such as the United States. At the time of this writing, the death toll stands at 492 and counting. Racist abuse towards Asians has also been on the rise, creating more problems alongside an already critical problem.

Departure Of The Sussexes

The departure of the Sussexes is not a tragic event by any means.It is, however, one that made notable headlines across the world in January. The biggest shock was to the Royal family. Despite Harry mentioning that it was something he thought about for a long time, it still brought much shock the Queen and other Royal members.


Privacy and safety. Harry openly mentioned that the death of his mother Princess Diana is a wound that still hurts. She died during an accident while desperately trying to get away from paparazzi in Paris. After watching the media harm both Meghan and himself for years, they decided to move away from the Royal life in 2020. The Queen confirmed this with a statement released on January 13, 2020.

What This Says About The Monarchy

The Sussexes have admitted trying to keep a tough face about their struggles. Meghan in an interview last year said that nobody ever asked if she was ok. This brings up numerous questions:

  1. If the Royal family members wanted them to stay, why did they do so little, if anything to look after their mental health?
  2. Why did the Sussexes feel afraid to tell at least one person in the family that they were struggling and could do for some support?
  3. Was the Royal family oblivious to the malicious media about the Sussexes? Did they not notice that all the harmful press towards the Sussexes was weighing on them?

Ultimately, the departure of the Sussexes proves that the Monarchy has much improvement to do in regards to offering better personal support for their members. Additionally, it needs to do a better job at offering more privacy, curbing racism, sexism, and other toxic attitudes. All of which are issues that have been brought up through statements in the past.


The word “Brexit” is portmanteau of the words “British” and “Exit” referring to the departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union. A referendum (also called public vote) was held back in June 2016, where 17.4 million people opted for Brexit. This resulted in 52% for Leave, 48% for remain.

European Union

The European Union (EU) is an economic and political union involving 28 European countries. The Union allows free trade, meaning goods can move between EU countries without and checks or extra charges. The Union also allows free movement for people to live and work in the countries they choose. The United Kingdom joined back in January 01, 1973.


There are many reasons behind the reason for the United Kingdom wanting to leave. Ultimately, these are the three major reasons: Immigration, economy, and sovereignty.


The European Union allows anybody within the Union to move and work freely between EU nations. Some Leave voters cited frustration with the lack of control they have over their borders. Others expressed disdain over immigrants taking jobs and not adapting British culture. Another thing voters hated was the right of migrants to claim welfare benefits in the United Kingdom, which Brits believed was putting a strain on the National Health Services.


The United Kingdom prefers being in control of its economy. The fact that the country uses the British Pound Sterling as its currency as opposed to the Euro, is an example of this. Some people have expressed frustration and competition over jobs caused from the free movement policy of the European Union. Criticism of the Union irresponsibly spending money has also been brought up.


The United Kingdom prides itself on being a nation with a long, rich history, and having immense international influence. Over time, a number of British people began feeling disconnected with the European Union, and frustrated with its policies. By leaving the Union, they believe that Britain will have far greater independence and a better sense of British nationality.

Concerns Over Brexit

The United Kingdom has been in the European Union for 47 years. Naturally, this created shock and disappointment from other European Union countries when their Leaders heard the news. Many Remain voters are greatly concerned about the future economy of Britain, as well as ease of movement. Though Britain left the Union, there is still a lot of matters that must be dealt with during its transition period:

  • Law enforcement
  • Data sharing and security
  • Aviation standards and safety
  • Access to fishing waters
  • Supplies of electricity and gas
  • Licensing and regulation of medicines

Until December 31, 2020, the United Kingdom must abide by European Union rules.

Calabasas Helicopter Crash

On January 26, 2020, the following people died in a helicopter crash:

  • Ara Zobayan, 50
  • Kobe Bryant, 41
  • Gianna Bryant, 13
  • Sarah Chester, 45
  • Payton Chester, 13
  • John Altobelli, 56
  • Keri Altobelli, 46
  • Alyssa Altobelli, 14
  • Christina Mauser, 38


Kobe was supposed to coach a youth basketball team, the Lady Mambas, for 12:00 PM in Thousand Oaks, California. Gianna, Alyssa, and Payton were involved with the game. A Sikorsky S-76B helicopter took off from John Wayne Airport en route to Camarillo Airport. Weather conditions were not good that day, leading the pilot to seek special permission to fly through fog. The helicopter took off at 9:06 AM, only to end up striking a hill 40 minutes later, killing all 9 occupants from blunt trauma.

International Reaction

Kobe Bryant was recognized as an international basketball icon that many fans admired. As such, the annunciation of his death had millions in shock. Numerous celebrities, officials, and regular people paid various tributes to his death. Ceremonies were held for the families that lost their love ones in the crash.

Newfoundland Snow Storm 2020

Newfoundland is a province in Canada that normally snow a lot. Unfortunately, this year brought a record-breaking amount of snow. Enough snow that caused the province to declare a state of emergency for 8 days, last month. The last time the province declared a state of emergency was 35 years ago.


Before the snow storm took place, Newfoundland had already been getting a lot of snow. When the storm did arrive, it only further exacerbated the situation. During the rage of the storm on January 16, 2020, winds topped speeds of up to 130 km/h on some parts of the province’s coast. The storm was large enough for it to be seen outer space. Thousands of homes and businesses lost power. On the evening of January 18, 2020, the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) commenced planning and began activating forces to support the province of Newfoundland and Labrador following the unprecedented winter storm. The mission was wrapped up on the 28th of January. Snowfall totals from a Tweet shared the heights for some municipalities:

  • 93 cm (Mt. Pearl)
  • 91 cm (Paradise)
  • 82 cm (St. John’s East)
  • 77 cm (St. John’s YYT)
  • 48 cm Lethbridge
  • 35 cm (Gander West)
  • 34 cm (Gander YQX)

The Rest Of 2020?

Despite the deaths caused from fallen aircraft or disease, and the political moves that happened in the United Kingdom, a nation who many other countries trade with extensively, there is still much to be seen for the duration of 2020. The situation with the novel coronavirus serves as a reminder for the science industry to be prepared for unexpected outbreaks. Most importantly, taking early warnings more seriously, and preventing potential outbreaks by engaging in more sanitary practices across all industries — be it hospitality, culinary, health, or engineering.